Frequently Asked Questions


A place to find and talk with other humans, build connection, form conversation, and indulge in hummanity.

Anything you'd like as long as it's legal (USA), interesting, and not too offensive which specifically means no gore, porn, racism, or other toxic material.

More than anything else, follow the spirit of the site which is a place to have genuine conversation about interesting topics with fellow humans.
Don't be a dick.

Trolling, creating drama, degrading the experience of the site for others, or otherwise acting against the spirit will not be tolerated.

Anyone over 15, from any country.
The only thing required is an internet connection and a browser.

It's free to use and open to the public for viewing without signing up for an account.
Yes both mobile and desktop web are currently supported.
A dude from California.


To create your own profile page you simply sign up for an account and then navigate to<your username>.

Yes you may upload a .jpg or .png to use as your avatar by navigating to your profile page, clicking "edit profile", and then clicking the avatar image box at the top.

You can add a custom display name, headline, location, website, and bio blurb (markdown enabled).


Yes you can delete your account by navigating to the settings page and clicking "delete account".

When you delete your account all posts and messages are retained on the site but disassociated from your username. They will be displayed as "[deleted account]" instead of a username, thus removing any association to your now deleted account.

All other data will be permanently removed and cannot be recovered under any circumstances.


A post is a 300 character or less statement that could be anything from a whimsical thought, to an expression about an interesting subject, or a comment on a current news topic. Posts may contain urls which are shortened and take a max of 23 characters from the 300 character limit.
The last url in a post is crawled and used to display rich meta data, such as the lead image, summary, publication date, and author information.
Posts are posted to your user profile page and can be viewed at<your username>.
Yes you many pin any of your own posts by clicking the ellipsis menu and then "pin".

You can pin an unlimited number of posts and they will stack at the top of your profile page.
No, currently you cannot edit a post once it's created, but stay tuned as we develop the site and add enhanced functionality in the future.
Yes you can delete a post, however the post will still exist just with your username redacted.
Yes! Simply append ".atom", ".json", ".rss", or ".xml" to the page.
Yes! Sqwok will automatically create an embed when you include a url from any of the following websites in your post:
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -

If there's a site you'd like to enable embeds for please shoot us an email


Chat is a fundamental feature of Sqwok, and allows all people viewing a Post to communicate with eachother in real time. This is achieved by typing into the chat input dialog at the bottom of the chat box and then pressing "enter".
Anyone with an account who is logged into the app will be able to chat. There are no other requirements.
Yes we currently support a few slash commands which are:

  • - /me <text>
  • - /lastseen <user_id>
  • - /goto <post_id>
  • - /goto <user_id>
  • - /goto home
  • - /goto settings
  • - /goto profile
  • - /goto themes
  • - /goto activity
  • - /logout

If you type @ into the chat, you'll notice a menu will appear for finding another user to @mention.
  1. who do you want to @mention?
The dialog menu is initially populated with suggested users based on the current chat thread, or it will be empty and require you to type a name.
To find a specific user to @mention, simply begin to type their name until it appears, and at that point simply press "enter" or click the name to create the mention.
  1. who do you want to @mention?
When a user is mentioned, they will instantly receive an in-app notification that let's them know you have mentioned them, and will give them the opportunity to join you in conversation.
Sqwok has built-in support for markdown syntax, allowing rich and dynamic expressiveness in your messages, user biographies, and more.
Here is a guide explaining what's currently supported.

bold & italic
The alphabet of you
The alphabet of you
The alphabet of you
underline & italic
The alphabet of you
The alphabet of you
The alphabet of you
The alphabet of you
The alphabet of you
The alphabet of you
The alphabet of you
header 1

# hello

header 2

# hello

header 3

# hello

markdown url

Live Markdown Emulator

  1. who do you want to @mention?
Practice makes perfect.
The input box above is similar to the chat input embedded in each post. Try typing any of the markdown syntax patterns and watch as your text is transformed, with included preview mode enabled.

The markdown syntax can be mixed and matched in most cases, have fun!