
posted 4 years ago

joelonsoftware.com/2... The law of leaky abstraction seems to hold more the higher your software stack is. what is the lowest leaky abstraction? Do bitcode programmers have to care about voltages and electrical properties of the CPU? Or does the abstraction hold there?
The Law of Leaky Abstractions Joel on Software
Joel on Software
date published
Monday November 11th, 2002
About The Author., In I Co-Founded Fog Creek Software, Where We Created Lots Of Cool Things Like The Fogbugz Bug Tracker, Trello, Glitch. I Also Worked With Jeff Atwood To Create Stack Overflow, Served As Ceo Of Stack Overflow, Today I Serve As The Chairman Of The Board For
There’s a key piece of magic in the engineering of the Internet which you rely on every single day. It happens in the TCP protocol, one of the fundamental building blocks of the Internet. TCP…